Isaiah Says the Land of Edom Will Never Be Occupied Again

Neturei Karta is a Jewish group whose controversial solution to the bloodshed in Gaza is to bring almost the cease of the Israeli land. spoke to Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, who explained why they think this is necessary.

Information technology's not oftentimes you encounter a Rabbi with a Palestinian flag pinned to their jacket. But then Neturei Karta are anything but conventional.

They are a religious grouping of Haredi Jews whose name in Aramaic means 'Protectors of the City'. The city in question is Jerusalem and the grouping is founded on their refusal to have or recognise the state of State of israel. Confused?

One of their principal figures, Rabbi Weiss, explained their position to RT. He said, "Zionism is the transformation of Judaism, from religion, from subservience to God, into a fabric concept of nationalism. This is unacceptable to the ones who desire to serve God. In social club to create this nationalism, they are removing God from the equation.

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"We were warned by the prophets that we would exist expelled from the land and that happened with the devastation of the temple [in Jerusalem] 2,000 years ago. Nosotros were non to render in mass – it's a godly decreed exile – and nosotros're besides not to rebel against any nation we reside in. We are to be loyal citizens and pray for the well-being of the land that is our hosts. We too should never make any endeavour to cease exile."

For those unfamiliar with the Torah – the central function of the Jewish bible – these sentiments may be fairly revolutionary. Neturei Karta believe they are post-obit their holy book, and that leaving Palestine was an act of God. They also think their religion commands them to publicly protest against what they deem transgressions in the name of Judaism. They particularly want to brand people sympathize in that location is a fundamental difference between an Israeli and a Jew.

Rabbi Weiss continued, "[Zionists'] goal was to have their material state, and whatever stood in their way didn't bother them. The Torah says thou shall not steal' so every concept of Zionism is breaching the Torah. They knew our religion does not call for u.s.a. to accept upwards artillery and accept over the land. On the contrary, we are forbidden."

Israel was formed in 1948 and the following yr was admitted into the Un. There'due south a widely accepted narrative of how Israeli forces seized the land and property of the Palestinians, who were mostly Muslim. This was all done under the premise of creating "a national home for the Jewish people" and the British regime had set this in motion during Globe War I with the Balfour Declaration.

Israel is at present a modern country with a formidable army and successful technology industry. However, the fashion the state has treated the Palestinian people, who accept been annexed into Gaza and the West Bank with limited rights, has left information technology open to criticism.

Rabbi Weiss said, "They mooched the Star of David from usa and claim to the world they are doing God's will, that is to intimidate and so that everyone who dares to speak up confronting them is an anti-Semite. It's ludicrous, and a tragedy, equally they don't represent our Torah. "

Neturei Karta claims to represent Jewish communities and says Israel has created a fake legitimacy. Although Israel has a Master Rabbi and a Rabbinate, the Jewish faith also has this construction independently. It'due south via this religious doctrine that Israel justifies its connected seizing of Palestinian country, which Israeli settlers so alive on – and this process is one of the major flashpoints betwixt the 2 states. It was an attempt to remove Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah that sparked the contempo spate of disharmonize.

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Rabbi Weiss added, "The Zionists constantly try to comprise the Torah into their monster chosen the country of State of israel. They have a Principal Rabbi, a Rabbinate; information technology'south all window dressing, they rubber stamp any Israel does and create an aura of holiness.

"There are, unfortunately, many college students, near from non-religious families or nominally religious, who fall into the trap of Zionist propaganda and speak with emotion past proverb 'for ii,000 years nosotros've been in exile, we've suffered and God is giving u.s. back the land'. But that's ignoring what it says in the Torah.

"People retrieve to be a hero for Judaism they have to go dorsum to Israel and get to the settlements. We're not condoning violence, simply they are inciting it past throwing out the Arab people like they're doing now in Sheikh Jarrah. An activeness beings a reaction; what do you lot expect? That's why there is mortality."

Merely not everyone agrees and there are those who are critical of Neturei Karta'south "willingness to run across with the vilest of extremists." Group members acknowledge they've met the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, both regarded by many countries equally terrorist organisations. They've too spoken to former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the late PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Gaza'south de facto ruler Ismail Haniyeh. And they take even shared a platform with the one-time Ku Klux Klan Grand Magician David Duke.

Rabbi Weiss said, "The leadership of Hamas say they have zilch against Jews and want to alive together. Both Hamas and Hezbollah want a peaceful dismantlement of the land; we also want that. Nosotros understand the core effect is not Hamas, the problem is in 1948 they ratified a monster called the Zionist state of Israel that came and occupied another people. Everything that is happening is but a reaction to this terrible injustice.

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"Before I start interviews, they ask me do y'all condemn Hamas? And if not, psychologically they say 'he is not condemning them, so it's not worth it to listen to him because he is a terrorist'."

"The terrorism is the creation of the state and the ongoing being of that state, so that every twenty-four hours a child is born in Palestine and they suffer. They see their family members die and they take an ingrained hate for the Jewish people if it's not clarified to them. Information technology'due south being done in our name, with our symbols; the hypocrisy is beyond words."

Some other allegation levelled at Neturei Karta is that they are Holocaust deniers. Rabbi Weiss refutes this. He stressed, "My grandparents were killed in Auschwitz as were the majority of my family [on] both sides. My father escaped when the Nazis came to Hungary and about entirely all of our anti-Zionist communities are immigrant people who are the remnants of families who escaped from Hitler. Then, we don't deny the Holocaust because it'south in our blood."

According to Rabbi Weiss, part of the complexity of the situation is that many Jews in Israel feel no loyalty to the state, but are unable to speak out.

He confirmed that if he was to visit State of israel, he would expect to be arrested and put in jail. "Many of us don't get visit on principle… [and] eastward very boy and girl from our community becomes a criminal when they turn 17 every bit they refuse to go there to do national service in the IDF [Israel Defense Forces].

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"They are always accusing us of beingness evil only because we're practising Judaism; they can only vilify the Jews who stand up and say, 'I've been living with my Palestinian neighbours in peace for years', we accept a distinctly different religion only we lived together in peace. They came with their selfish, politically flawed concept without request the indigenous people."

Neterei Karta'due south mission is not merely to highlight the deviation between Zionism and Judaism; information technology wants to run into the peaceful destruction of Israel. Understandably, many see the removal of a state and its nine.four-million population as a bizarre concept.

Rabbi Weiss explained, "Every 10 years or and then the state of State of israel has a war, they never have true peace. We believe information technology'south what God told us. We believe Israel will cease because information technology's a direct rebellion against God, we are forbidden to have a Jewish state. Nosotros accept to speak upwards and try to plead with world leaders to stop supporting this occupation and try to bring relief to the Palestinian people, only ultimately, it's the Almighty who volition bring an end.

"You may think State of israel is fix in stone but it doesn't take to keep. It was only 73 years ago and the world went on hunky dory without them coming along. Nosotros could alive without them."

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The Rabbi believes Israel should be renamed and a Palestinian state created in its place. He then feels it could be a home to both Jewish and Muslim people, like it was for hundreds of years before.

He reflected, "S Africa looked hopeless, simply in one case there was pressure to finish apartheid, the whole concept changed. The whole concept of Palestine could exist changed from a so-called Jewish land to a Complimentary State of Palestine. What would be and then bad? It'south merely an aberration of the last 70-odd years that nosotros've not been living in peace. We lived together as brothers and sisters in Palestine, and flourished."

Some critics reject to offer Neutrei Karta a platform due to the accusations around its conduct and relationships. But the grouping is adamant it volition continue to practice its work, as, for them, it'due south a God-given mandate.

Rabbi Weiss admitted, "We're jaded a little; nosotros have seen and then many atrocities… in Gaza and the West Banking company. There are always people who are pleasantly surprised and some who are shocked. Of course, the ones who are Zionists are aghast; they say nosotros're anti-Semitic and what we are doing will cause Jewish bloodshed.

"They attack Gaza with drones, people are murdered mean solar day in, mean solar day out – and every person has a family. Every fellow member is affected and all those in the refugee camps living in squalor, do you think they grow upward loving Jews?

"Nosotros tell them we injure with you, and tell them the Jewish people don't accept what Zionists are doing. It totally defies logic on every level, but the earth buys into the Zionist propaganda and their PR machine. Nosotros want to stop the mortality and build bridges."

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